
Mission of the College of Humanities & Social Sciences is to preserve what the great poet Rabindranath Tagore defines as the ”Fullness of man”. The deification of science is posing a silent threat to society where man is getting detached from his roots. Our vast cultural heritage is embedded with much higher values of life and a holistic understanding of it has still something to contribute to the present technological society. In Indian mindset we do not measure our achievements in terms of progress, but rather in terms of vision, understanding and the total uplifting of human life.

Interdisciplinary in orientation, the college has expertise in Philosophy and Language. Whatever their individual branches of scholarship, the objective of all the faculty members in the college is to College is to inculcate the sensitivity of human values amongst technologists in academia and the society outside and to equip them with foreign languages for living and working successfully in multilingual and multicultural settings.

The College of Humanities & Social Sciences consists of the following schools :

  • School of Philosophy & Culture
  • School of Languages & Literature

Dean’s Message

It is said ”two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings” . In the present era of scientific and technological advancement where man is standing at the threshold of a new life beyond earth, it is pertinent to move ahead with our tradition which proposes a combination of ”Gyana” (knowledge) and ”Vigyana (Science)”. Human race can not progress unless both are conjoined and the combination of both has been one of the basic features of Indian culture.

Education like excellence has no frontiers and in the present era of globalization, the phrase communication skills has become sine qua non for success in every sphere of life. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences not only aims at inculcating the sensitivity of human values among students so that they are firmly rooted but also at imparting them the proficiency in languages so that they fly high in the sky.

We are endeavoring for the very best and shall not fail – God willing.